Nadia's First Day

I always have a hard time with the first day of kindergarten. It's weird because I'm actually kind of happy to have my kid start school, and I think the three hours to myself will be pleasant! It just chokes me up when I have to drop her off there and I see her going in with all of the other kids. Guess it's the whole "my baby's growing up" thing.

Here we are at home getting ready to leave:

Here she is in front of the school:

Standing in line:

End of the day! I think she might have been worried right here that she couldn't find me.

Here's what she had to say about her first day:

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    # by Liz O. - August 7, 2009 at 4:29 PM

    Oh, and notice all of the pink! Everything has to be pink lately because "It's my favorite color!".

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    # by Sandy Hansen - August 7, 2009 at 4:50 PM

    How cute!! I love how Sophie added the "you're not gonna like school later comment"